Is SINOGEL a steroid?

No, SINOGEL is not a steroid. It is a carefully synthesised form of hyaluronic acid and chondroitin, substances that naturally occur within the synovial fluid of joints. It works by improving the viscosity of the synovial fluid, cushioning and protecting the affected joint.

Steroids are strong anti-inflammatories. They work locally to reduce inflammation. SINOGEL does not reduce inflammation, it is a lubricant and helps the cartilage to restore water, keeping it healthy.

Steroids can also be quite harsh on the joint, and that’s why we don’t like using too many steroid injections. Really, we like to limit steroid injections to three in any one joint, in someone’s lifetime (different sources say more than this, but we won’t do more than three). Yes they do help, but you don’t want to get them done repeatedly. SINOGEL is much kinder to the joint, less harsh, and better tolerated over the longer term.

Steroid injections may relieve pain more quickly, however this effect does not last as long and there are usually more side effects than with SINOGEL®. Side-effects with steroid injections include pain (this is why we use a local anaesthetic pre-mixed in the steroid). Also, you can get skin discolouration from any steroid including steroid cream. There is also a very small risk of being allergic to the anaesthetic too. This does not happen with SINOGEL.

SINOGEL injections cost £549 including the consultation. Contact us now if you have any further questions, or book in at either our Selsdon clinic in south London or our Milestone House clinic in Farnborough, Hampshire. You can call us on 020 8651 3315 to book an appointment in Croydon, or 020 8685 6930 for an appointment in Farnborough.

SINOGEL® is a registered trademark and product of ISBA