Case Study 3 Jennifer Corcoran

I suffered a very painful slipped disc in my lumbar 4/5 region in 2013.
After a MRI scan and diagnosis it was decided that the best course of action for me would be to go down
the epidural route combined with exercise/treatment
so I had two epidurals over the course of 3 months and was off work for almost 4 months in total.
During this time I came to Croydon Physio based at Addington Palace and met the wonderful Kay.
Kay is a lovely, personable and calming person and she always helps to raise my spirits and her Physio
provides much needed pain relief.
She advised me on an exercise plan of action and after several months I also started doing Pilates with
Kay at Addington Palace during the evenings.
I found the mixture of Pilates and Treatment to be very beneficial and still do both today in order to
maintain a healthy and strong back.
Sadly the Pilates classes ended at Addington Palace but I have since found a local instructor in order
to keep to it.
I returned to work on a phased return and am now back to full-time hours.
The main change is that I now operate from a stand-sit desk so try to stand as much as I can in order to
alleviate the pressure on my lumbar region.
I still see Kay for top-up Treatment as it relieves the build-up of spasms which sadly can’t be
completely eliminated on account of a working lifestyle and commute.
I would have no hesitation in recommending Croydon Physio – all the of the physiotherapists are kind and
genuine and you leave feeling truly cared for.
Jennifer Corcoran