Surrey Physio is on the lookout for people who want to make a difference and volunteer for us. Why? At Surrey Physio, we have a strong ethos for volunteering. Our physiotherapists have volunteered at many events including Olympic Games, World Championships, London Marathons, Commonwealth Games, and local Events.
Volunteering is also recognised by the NHS, and mentioned in the NHS Long Term Plan (2019) which states “Staff, patients, and volunteers benefit from well-designed volunteering initiatives” and they encourage organisations to seek volunteers.
Volunteering Vacancies
We are looking for:
- Social Prescriber Link Workers: would you help our physio team with creating signposting and social prescribing resources? Would you act as a sign-poster for patients to point them in the right direction to exercise? The commitment required would be ½ day per week and we would provide full induction and training.
- Data Protection: do you have expertise in data protection, policy writing, or information technology? We are always looking for ways to strengthen our data protection at the clinics and if you feel you could assist our Practice Management team, you could help patient data to stay even more secure. The commitment required would be ½ day per week and we would provide full induction and training.
- Reception Cover: We are keen to hear from people who may wish to assist our reception team. It could be sitting on the reception desk welcoming patients, picking up the telephone, checking emails, liaising with physiotherapists and osteopaths, dropping letters to the post box, or picking up supplies from local shops. If you feel you want a role where you are customer facing and are a friendly face and happy to chat to patients, this could be ideal for us and you. The commitment required would be one evening up to 3 days per week depending on your availability and we would provide full induction and training.
Why Volunteer?
Volunteering is a rewarding way to help others who may need help. Most of our patients are in pain, and you can assist in a number of ways. Volunteering is great work experience and could look good on a CV. Or it may be that you just have spare time on your hands and want to give something back.
Am I too old to Volunteer?
Absolutely not. We are delighted to welcome any age over 18 into our clinic to help. We also support disabilities and if you have any, we’ll spend extra attention to provide you with the support you require.
Can I recommend other people to do Volunteering?
Yes absolutely, we would be delighted to welcome other people into our clinics who may be interested in volunteering. We also suggest people that are interested in volunteering look at local volunteering opportunities. These may include sports events or charity events in your area.
What do I get for Volunteering?
You can volunteer in a friendly and forward-thinking clinic, where we pride ourselves on high-quality patient care. You will leave us with the satisfaction that you helped people in pain. Connect with our community of patients and have fun at the same time.
Do I have to Undertake any Training?
All of our volunteers undertake Volunteer Learning Passport. That includes training and assessment in data security awareness, equality diversity and human rights, fire safety, health and safety, safeguarding adults and safeguarding children. However, don't let this put you off, we'll assist you with any learning needs or requirements.