
The patients treated by Surrey Physio and the quality of the care our patients receive is very important to us, as a community physiotherapy provider. We also feel it is our duty to provide a safe haven for patients, and our staff are trained to spot potential risks of abuse or neglect.

Surrey Physio takes all the necessary steps to promote safe practice and to protect children and adults at risk from harm, abuse, and exploitation.

We felt it was important for our staff to be fully aware of safeguarding policies and procedures, hence we trained every member of our team in Adult Safeguarding Level II and Child Safeguarding Level II.

We have well-established and robust Safeguarding policies and procedures in place to protect the safety and welfare of Children and Vulnerable Adults who may be at risk. We comply with all relevant legislation, regulations, directives and all relevant Department of Health and NHS Executive Guidelines and all policies, rules, procedures, and standards of local CCGs.

The Surrey Physio Group has a statutory duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people, and vulnerable adults. We are committed to the principle that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and promoting the safety and welfare of children and young people and vulnerable adults.

We treat all our patients with respect and ensure their right to privacy, dignity, and confidentiality is appropriately balanced with safeguarding and promoting their safety, independence, and well-being.

We ensure:

  • Help to those who may lack mental capacity
  • Protection of patients, by giving advice and guidance
  • Prevention, by responding to suspected Safeguarding issues with immediate referrals of any safeguarding concerns through clear procedures
  • That what we do is appropriate and proportionate to the situation and the individual
  • We share the right information in the right way to the relevant organisations.
  • Accountability, by making sure all roles are clear.

Hayley Ross is our Safeguarding lead with the responsibility for ensuring that we meet all obligations in respect of maintaining appropriate standards of safeguarding adults and children at risk, privacy, and confidentiality for patients and their carers.

Staff who identify adult or children safeguarding concerns immediately notify our Clinical lead or Safeguarding Officer, who contacts the relevant local authority and follows a clear procedure.

Our Safeguarding Policies are attached here for your information.

Should you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact Lorraine Carey, Group Practice Manager [email protected].