Best 5 Reasons not to take Wegovy

What is Wegovy?

Wegovy® (semaglutide) is a prescription injectable medication taken weekly. It is a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist, a medication used to treat type 2 diabetes and weight loss, especially for people with a body mass index (BMI) of over 30. It is usually injected into the abdomen, thigh or upper arm. It is comparable to Ozempic, but stronger.

Clinical trials have shown that Wegovy® is effective in lowering blood sugar levels (HbA1c). But what exactly is GLP-1? When we eat food, our intestines produce a hormone called GLP-1 and this stimulates the procuction of insulin and lowers blood sugar levels. The semaglutide drug mimics the action of GLP-1. In a Phase 3 clinical trial, Wegovy® helped people lose significantly more weight than those taking a placebo. At the end of the 68-week study, people taking Wegovy® lost an average of 14.9% of their body weight, compared to 2.6% for those taking a placebo. However, this was combined with education and physical activity.

Wegovy® – the wonder drug?

Okay, the clinical trials are good on the face of it. But are they really? You could lose 15% body weight after more than one year taking weekly injections, or you could lose the same amount of body weight through dieting and physical exercise.

I know what some will say, “I can’t exercise because I have knee pain”… or another ailment. We understand that not everyone can run 5k, but there are exercises that anyone can do, for example, some gentle cycling on a static bike is achievable for almost everybody. Or walking to the shops once per day. And the key thing is reducing food intake.

“But can I really lose weight just by eating less?” Of course you can, reduce the amount of food you eat. Use smaller plates, eat until you are 80% full not 100% full, and cut out one meal per day for example lunch.

Let’s look at the Best 5 Reasons not to take Wegovy® or any other Semaglutide:

1) Side Effects of Wegovy

Wegovy® has side-effects, like most drugs. Sometimes these side effects come on quickly and aggressively, and then ease up with time as you get used to them. Sometimes though they build up and get worse over time. The most significant discomfort is nausea and abdominal pain. Wegovy® may induce gastrointestinal issues. Naturally, that will reduce your appetite; therefore, it is possible that the drug is assisting you in losing weight in this way as well. Additional adverse effects include fatigue, headache, and diarrhoea. In addition to inducing pancreatitis, GLP-1 receptor agonists may impede the motility of the gallbladder and biliary duct. They can also cause hypoglycaemia (e.g. your sugar levels become too low) if you combine it with other diabetes medications. GLP-1 receptor agonists can also cause a rise in heart rate, and renal impairment. Some people can also have allergic reactions to the drugs. And of course, there’s always a small risk of pain from injecting things.

2) Cost

Wegovy is expensive. Typical prices start at £175 per injection, per week but the stronger doses can be higher. This is a lot of money to spend. Gym memberships are much less expensive.

3) Benefits

Weight loss is certain. However, at what cost? We don’t just mean the cost to your piggy bank, we mean the that does the benefits of losing 15% body weight compare well to the risks? That’s for each individual to decide. However, you should be informed about the risks versus the benefits.

4) It does not cure diabetes or obesity

Unfortunately, many medications do not cure, they simply manage. This is the same with Wegovy®.

5) What’s the long-term plan?

Take medication for the rest of your life? Keep eating rubbish while you inject yourself with a weight-loss drug? It does not make sense to me. Wegovy® is not a long-term option, due to cost and effort of regularly injecting. It is not a long-term option due to the potential for side-effects, many of which we may not be aware of in years to come.

The long-term plan is this. Eat less. Eat organic. Drink plenty of good quality water. Avoid fizzy drinks. Don’t add sugar to anything. Reduce pasta, rice, bread and carbohydrates. Exercise if you can. Seek help and support from health coaches like us.

Tim Allardyce

Health Coach

For more support and information to change your life for the better, call us on 0208 685 6930.