Equality and Diversity
At Surrey Physio, our ethos is that Everybody Matters. As a patient, we want you to know we care about you and want to help you get better. It does not matter to us if you are from another country, or you have a disability, or you are an athlete. It doesn’t matter to us if you are an insurance patient, NHS patient, or private paying patient. We will strive to work towards helping you to achieve your goals. Everybody matters to us, and we’ll offer you the same quality of care as anyone else at the clinic.
We also believe that equality should occur within our team. Equality of opportunity means that an individual’s diversity is viewed positively and in recognising that everyone is different, valuing equally the contribution that individuals' experience, knowledge, and skills can make.
All of our staff undertake Equality and Diversity training Level I.
Our Equality and Diversity Policy sets out The Surrey Physio Group commitment to ensure that we create a positive and supportive environment for employees and patients, where everyone is treated fairly and equally and diversity is respected and embraced.
Our Responsibilities
Practitioners and other employees are responsible for:
- Co-operating with measures introduced by Surrey Physio to ensure equal opportunity and non-discrimination for employees and patients.
- Not themselves discriminating, e.g. those responsible for the provision of service, or those responsible for selection decisions in recruitment, training etc.
- Not persuading, attempting to persuade or instructing other employees to practice unlawful or unreasonable discrimination.
- Not victimising or attempting to victimise individuals on the grounds that they have made complaints or provided information on discriminatory practice.
- Not harassing, bullying or intimidating other employees or patients.
- Informing the Clinical Director if they suspect or were aware that discrimination of any kind was taking place.
Our Commitment
Surrey Physio has stayed committed to becoming an organisation which is pro-diversity and anti-discriminatory and Surrey Physio paid special attention to recognising that everyone is different, valuing the unique contribution that individual experience, knowledge, and skills can make in delivering service goals. This diversity should be visible at all levels of the organisation.
Surrey Physio also aims to ensure that the physiotherapy services are open, culturally aware and equally accessible to all sections of the community.
Surrey Physio ensure that we:
- Recruit, develop and retain a workforce that is able to deliver high-quality services that are accessible, responsive and appropriate, to meet the diverse needs of different groups and individuals within the areas we serve.
- Are a fair employer achieving equality of opportunity and outcomes in the workplace.
Surrey Physio also demonstrate its commitment to compliance with relevant equality legislation, the Equality Act 2010 and relevant best practice guidance, in line with guidance from the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and Institute of Osteopathy.