Sports Massage
Sports Massage Therapy is available in Croydon.
Massage therapy is the practice of manipulating the muscles and limbs to eradicate tension and reduce pain if present.
Meet the Sports Massage Team
We are lucky to have two great sports massage therapists working at Surrey Physio.
Types of Sports Massage
Gina is qualified in sports massage therapy and works at Croydon Physio. She tours with Strictly Come Dancing and Dancing on Ice, and has massaged all the stars.
Alan is qualified in sports massage therapy and also works at Croydon Physio. He is a keen runner, and member of Croydon Striders.
Sports Massage is the main type of massage that is commonly performed by Gina and Alan. This is a deep tissue massage and works with the muscles and focuses more on individual muscular groups. This can aid in the treatment of sports injuries, the reduction of muscular scar tissue and general maintenance of muscle groups. Sports massage doesn’t have to hurt and the therapist should work within the client’s pain threshold. The only type of pain should be that “good pain” where there may be some slight discomfort but satisfaction that you know it is good for your body. A gentle sports massage can also be relaxing.
What are the Benefits of Massage
The primary objective of massage is to promote the health and well-being of the individual who is receiving the treatment. Massage aims to release muscular tightness, tension, and relieve the body of a build-up of toxins (lactic acid and carbon dioxide that accumulates through exercise) by aiding lymphatic drainage and circulation. Secondary benefits of massage include improving length-tension relationshships and flexibility of the muscles which can then in turn improve the skeletal system as relaxed muscles can improve posture. Another benefit of massage is stress relief; the combination of the body being relaxed induces a relaxed state of mind making people feel more balanced and more comfortable.
What Happens During the Massage
During a massage the areas to be treated need to be bare.For example, if a client was to come in for a full body massage, all clothing would be removed except lower body underwear. Throughout the treatment the towels are moved around in such a way so that the client feels comfortable and not exposed. They are also informed of this throughout the treatment. Massage takes place in three stages, similar to an exercise routine. First is the warm up, called effleurage which aids in preparing the body for the forthcoming treatment and includes slow stroked. Next is the treatment which is like the workout where deeper techniques are used to manipulate the muscles and relieve tension and pain. Lastly a cool down is performed by going back to effleurage to aid in the circulation of blood and prepare the body for the end of treatment.
Is sports Massage Strong?
Yes sports massage is strong, and hence suited to sports people looking for performance improvements. If you feel the massage is too strong for you, speak with your therapist.
If you would like to come for sports massage in Croydon, please call us on 0208 651 3315. If you would like to come for a sports massage or holistic massage in Mitcham, please call us on 0208 685 6930 or you can email [email protected] . The Croydon Physiotherapy Clinic is located at 1 Upper Selsdon Rd, CR2 8DD with plenty of on-site parking The Mitcham Physiotherapy Clinic is located at Station Court, 411-412 London Rd, CR4 4BG which is right next to Mitcham tram stop.