Top 5 Exercise Band Exercises for your Knees

Knee exercise bands are a wonderful supplement to any training or rehab programme. They can aid in building strength, expanding range of motion, and stabilizing the knee joint. In addition, they give support during knee-joint activities, thereby reducing the chance of injury.

Knee exercise bands are useful for rehabilitating an injury or strengthening weakened muscles. During workouts that develop the quadriceps, hamstrings, and other muscles around the knee, they can create resistance. This enhances range of motion, and improves stability and strength.

Additionally, knee exercise band exercises can be used to enhance coordination. They can be used to increase the difficulty of activities such as walking, running, and leaping. This improves functional movement, which is advantageous for sports and daily activities.

As physios, we see plenty of knee problems. They range from acute (traumatic) ligament injuries, most often from sport, to degenerative osteoarthritis. For almost all knee pains, exercises can help. Using an exercise band is a great way to add resistance to your programme, which can help strengthen your knees. Exercise bands can help you rehab carefully and gently.

Finally, knee exercise bands can aid in injury prevention. Because they provide resistance during exercises, they can lessen the risk of knee joint strain or overstretching. This is particularly good for folks who are just beginning an exercise plan.

Here are five great exercise band exercises for the knee joint:

Repeat each exercise for 10 to 12 reps, and perform the exercise one to two times per day. Stop if you get any pain and consult a physio or osteopath.

1. Hamstring Curl with Band

Tie an exercise band around your ankle, and attach the other end to a fixed object (e.g. under a weight, or around the leg of a table). Lie face down. Bend your knee creating a resistance in the band. This is a strengthening exercise for the hamstring muscle group (located at the back of the thigh).

2. Squat with Band

Place your feet shoulder width apart, or just outside shoulder width. Tie an exercise band around your knees keeping it quite tight. Slowly bend your knees to go into a squat position. Maintain a good curve in your lower back, and control the squat making sure your knee's do not drop inwards. When you have gone as low as feels comfortable, push upwards through your legs to straighten your knees into a standing position. Repeat as required.

3. Lunge with Band

Loop an exercise band around a study object, and hold each end of the band beside your waist. Take a large step forward, and bend your front knee. Lean forwards, putting your weight over your front leg to go into a lunge position. As you come back up, step back and straighten to become upright. This is a lunge but the resistance of the band provides additional strengthening.

4. Knee Extension with Band Sitting

Sit down, bend your knee and put an exercise band around the sole of your foot. Straighten the leg against resistance. You will feel the front thigh (quadriceps) muscles working.

5. Football Kicks with Band

Attach a band around your ankle and anchor the opposite end. Bend your knee and kick your leg directly in front of you as if you were kicking a ball. As you kick, you should feel some resistance in the band. This may throw you off balance, and you may need to hold on to a table or wall. The leg not doing the kicking also gets a work out acting as a stabiliser.

In conclusion, knee exercise bands are an excellent way to build knee and leg strength, and rehab following knee injury and surgery. They can aid in developing strength, expanding range of motion, and stabilising the knee joint. Additionally, they can be utilised to improve coordination. By providing resistance during exercise, they can also aid to lessen the chance of injury.

If you want to buy any exercise bands, please go to where we have a range of our high-quality products.

If you are a therapist and like the exercises and information in this document, please go to and sign up to this amazing exercise prescription software.

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